среда, 7 октября 2015 г.

BUSI 650 Quiz 2 Liberty University

1. The following are shortcomings associated with analyzing problems “one factor at a time” also known as OFAT and 1FAT, EXCEPT:
2. In services, a product defect is analogous to a defecting customer – a customer who takes their business elsewhere
3. One aspect that differentiates Six Sigma from other earlier process improvement programs including total quality management and reengineering is that with Six Sigma
4. With respect to strategy maps and balanced scorecards, which of the following is FALSE?
5. Strategy maps can help define a balanced scorecard
6. Six Sigma (DMAIC) is best applied when:
7. Which term compares an organization’s processes with the best practices to be found in its industry or others?
8. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) starts by using “voice of the customer” (VOC) data in which of the following matrices?
9. The balanced scorecard approach relies not only on financial performance measure but includes customers, internal business processes and organizational learning and growth
10. Which of the following is NOT a problem commonly found when monitoring
11. An expectation of Business Process Design is that the improvements in performance will be at a minimum incremental 
12. Six Sigma is among the most timely topics in business today because of the following, EXCEPT:
13. The goal of the Analyze Phase is to identify key cause and effect relationships that can be leveraged to improve the overall performance of the process
14. Six Sigma is better applied on manufacturing than service operations 
15. The relationship between the natural variation in the production system and the product’s design specifications can be quantified using
16. Business Process Design (BPD) is also adequately named the following EXCEPT
17. Lean Sigma is a combination of Six Sigma and lean tools appropriate when both too much variation and waste exist in a process
18. Benchmarking is a process that helps compare a company against its competitors on a variety of relevant indicators 
19. When calculating ranges for particular variables, it is mathematically possible to obtain negative variables; in such an event, one should set zero for that variable range
20. Process capability analysis does NOT depend on
21. Developing and evaluation solutions to reduce the gap between desired process performance and current performance is the final step in the six sigma DMAIC approach for process improvement
22. Departments within a stage 2 organization may exhibit a stage 3 orientation, thereby upgrading the organization to a step 3 categorization
23. Which of the following is FALSE about Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?
24. Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) and Process Sigma are the most important tools for the Measure Phase of Six Sigma
25. In this stage of operational effectiveness, organizations use core capabilities residing in the operations area to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage 

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