среда, 7 октября 2015 г.

Apol 104 Quiz 3 Liberty University

   God revealing himself through nature is known as:
2.     The three most prominent or primary worldviews in our world today are naturalism, pantheism, and theism: 
3.     Evolution is ultimately based upon faith: 
4.     If a secularist rejects the bible, don’t encourage him/her to read the bible until you give him/her a good apologetic response to their objections: 
5.     The invention of the Gutenberg printing press influenced both the reformation and the renaissance: 
6.     The Buddha rejected the caste system of Hinduism and declared that everyone had an equal opportunity to reach nirvana:
7.     Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following: 
8.     The search for truth is known as the science of: 
9.     Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are examples of theistic worldviews: 
10.  There are no external evidences for the truthfulness of the bible: 
11.  According to the science of epistemology truth must be measureable and defendable: 
12.  The worldview Question of origin deals with: Where did human life and the universe come from:
13.  Morality in naturalism most often falls into the category of absolutism or the belief in absolute truth: 
14.  There are no logical responses to the problem of evil which causes most secularists to reject Christianity: 
15.  An example of special revelation is the creation that humans can see around them: 
16.  Eastern World religions include a belief that humans can achieve God-Like Status: 
17.  Global apologetics attempts to understand the beliefs of the listener thus anticipation the assumptions they may have concerning Jesus Christ:
18.  The beliefs of secularism include:
19.  A person can believe in reincarnation and still believe in the trustworthiness of scripture: 
20.  Western or new World religions are those that typically teach reincarnation:

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