среда, 7 октября 2015 г.

BUSI 340 quiz 2 Liberty University

The self­fulfilling prophecy effect is stronger:
The process involves deciding whether an observed behavior or event is caused mainly by the person or by the environment
Which of the following improves self­awareness and mutual understanding that is founded on the contact hypothesis?
In the Johari Window, the area includes information about you that is known both to you and others.
Consistency, consensus and distinctiveness are the
Social identity theory says that
According to the social identity theory, people tend to
Which of the following occurs most likely due to confirmation bias?
The process of assigning traits to people based on their membership in an identifiable social category is called:
The contact hypothesis states that:
Which of the following describes the fundamental attribution error?
The philosophy of positive organizational behavior states that:
The uncomfortable tension felt when our behavior and attitudes are inconsistent with each other is called:
After working weeks on a difficult proposal for a client, Jack learns that the client has accepted the proposal and will award the contract to Jack's firm. When Jack hears this from his boss, he yelps 'Yahoo!' and automatically thrusts his fisted hand in the air. This action is an example of:
Which of the following represent the three dimensions of workaholism
Which of these countries is more likely to accept or tolerate, than any other country, people who display their true emotions at work
Many companies try to create positive experiences at work. Which of the following is the major reason for this?
Self­awareness is the lowest level of .
Employees with an emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in a particular organization are said to have:
The exit­voice­loyalty­neglect (EVLN) model:
As soon as we receive sensory information, we nonconsciously tag some of that information with emotional markers. These markers are:
Which of the following statements about job satisfaction and job performance is true?
Employees' identification with a particular organization tends to increase:
Emotional labor is higher in jobs requiring:
Which of the following is a competency representing the highest level of emotional intelligence?

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