среда, 7 октября 2015 г.

Apol 104 Quiz 7

Christians should use clever rhetoric in their presentation if they hope to see people won to Christ
2. People can have saving faith without understanding the gospel
3. Islam was founded by
4. A summary of the Islamic system of conversion is found in
5. As a person reads and studies the bible they should ask
6. Muslims believe that the bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians
7. In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a prophet but not the Son of God
8. When someone understands how much you care for them it opens the opportunity to share the gospel with them
9. It is important for Christians to have friendships with fellow believers so that they can encourage each other
10. Mohammed’s visions would eventually be compiled into Islam’s sacred text, the Qur’an
11. In 610 AD Muhammad received his first vision from Jesus Christ
12. Teaching or sharing biblical truth is beneficial to our spiritual lives
13. The term Islam means
14. A good approach when witnessing to a Muslim is to look at the number of time Jesus predicted his own death because Muslims do not believe that Jesus actually died on the cross
15. It’s the Holy Spirit that convicts the unbeliever’s heart
16. A godly person is someone who is willingly submissive to Gods ways
17. When a Christian shares the gospel message with an individual, they may also consider including their own personal testimony of salvation in the presentation
18. Sharing the gospel message requires a lot of details and therefore you should always allow at least 30 mins
19. Christian faith is best described as a blind leap
20. Christians do not need to be concerned about the manner in which they present the gospel message

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