среда, 7 октября 2015 г.

Bibl 104 Quiz 5 Liberty University

What words of hope did the prophet give to the people of Jerusalem?
2. What was the ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy of the new covenant?
3. To what does the prophecy of the seventy sevens refer? 
4. The book of Daniel ends the promise of a literal bodily resurrection in anticipation of our participation in God’s eternal kingdom
5. The following are arguments in support of a unified Isiah
6. Jonah immediately rejoiced after his successful preaching mission and the salvation of the Ninevites
7. The Immanuel Prophecy (Isiah 7-12) does not emphasize the deity of Christ
8. Amos is an example of a courageous layman who dared to speak out against the evils of society
9. How would you defend the unity of the authorship of both sections of Isiah (1-39 and 40-66)?
10. How did Jeremiah describe his call to the ministry? 
11. The New Testament confirms that the servant of the lord in Isiah 40-55 is Jesus
12. The overall theme of Daniel is God’s sovereignty over the people of Israel and the nations of the world
13. The suffering servant prophecy (Isiah 52-53) predicted the death and resurrection of Christ. 
14. The result of the invasion of Israel by Gog and Magog will be the God’s total destruction of the enemy and all the nations will recognize the glory of the Lord
15. According to Hayes and Duvall, the vast majority of the material in the prophetic books addresses the disobedience of Israel and/or Judah and their consequential impending judgment
16. Zephaniah stressed that the Lords blessings were for the ___ who put their trust in God
17. What nation threatened Judah in the days of Jeremiah and what advice did he give them
18. God used Cyrus the great to accomplish his sovereign purposes
19. What city in Assyria was the focus of Nahums prophecy? 
20. Describe the circumstance of Ezekiel’s ministry during the Babylonian captivity

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