среда, 7 октября 2015 г.

BUSI 610 Quiz 3 Liberty University

  1. A baseball team is an example of pooled interdependence.
  2. Direct interaction between customer and employee is generally very high with services, while there is little direct interaction between customers and employees in the technical core of a manufacturing firm.
  3. Engineering technologies tend to be low in analyzability and high in variety.
  4. Research suggests that FMS can become a competitive burden, rather than a competitive advantage, unless organizational structures and management processes are redesigned to take advantage of the new technology.
  5. Products of different sizes, types, and customer requirements freely intermingling on the assembly line is an advantage of lean manufacturing.
  6. Compared with traditional mass production technologies, FMS has a narrow span of control, few hierarchical levels, adaptive tasks, low specialization, and decentralization, and the overall environment is characterized as organic and self-regulative.
  7. _____ technologies have high task variety, and the conversion process is not analyzable or well understood.
  8. Job enrichment refers to the expansion of the number of different tasks performed by an employee.
  9. The systems that automate the organization's routine, day-to-day business transactions such as data from sales or purchases from suppliers are called:
  10. Codified knowledge management includes:
  11. What is the highest level of application of use of information technology?
  12. The components of the scorecard are designed in an integrative manner so that they reinforce one another and link short-term actions with long-term strategic goals.
  13. Effective control systems involve the use of feedback to determine whether organizational performance meets established standards to help the organization attain its goals.
  14. ____ is typically based on software that can convert large amounts of complex data into pertinent information and provide that information to top managers in a timely fashion.
  15. The use of huge databases that combine all of a company's data and allow users to access the data directly, create reports, and obtain responses to what-if questions is referred to as:
  16. The purpose of data warehousing is to combine all of a company's data and allows users to access the data directly, create reports, and obtain responses to what-if questions.
  17. Which of the following characterizes the formalization stage of the life cycle?
  18. Large organizations are characterized by all of these except:
  19. During the ____ stage, the organization begins to develop clear goals and direction.
  20. Weber believed that a well-managed bureaucracy would ensure efficient organizational functioning in both government and business settings.
  21. What is the major goal of an organization during the entrepreneurial stage of the life cycle?
  22. Traditional authority refers to control coming from exemplary character of an individual and the aura he or she creates.
  23. The use of ____ control requires that outputs be sufficiently explicit for a price to be assigned and that competition exist.
  24. The life cycle phenomenon is a powerful concept used for understanding problems facing organizations and how managers can respond in a positive way to move an organization to the next stage.
  25. Rules and standard procedures as developed by Weber were to:
  26. How do digital factories and lean manufacturing differ from other manufacturing technologies? Why are these new approaches needed in today’s environment?

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